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Sentry MD eliminates paperwork, reduces administrative costs, increases compliance, and enhances safety for members and clinical sites.
Your health records are in good hands
We keep your members' medical records safe and secure.
We understand that preserving privacy is a top concern with your medical records. Sentry MD systems and procedures keep health information confidential, secure, and are compliant with State and Federal privacy regulations including HIPAA and FERPA.
We take care of the administrative work for you.
Unlike other medical record companies, Sentry MD is a full service solution, not just a technology company. Our health record professionals review every document submitted and do all of the electronic filing and data entry.
Improved compliance and tracking.
Members receive reminders** alerting them to items that are missing or approaching expiration. Our online inquiry offers real-time compliance reports for individuals and programs, and is available at any time to both members and administrators.
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